Booking Tips

How to Find Cheap Flights from New York to Nepal

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Flight tickets can be vary time to time, if you are flexible on date there is a change to get cheaper flight tickets, below is the strategy to find cheap flights from New York to Nepal. For more detailed how ...

Flight tickets can be vary time to time, if you are flexible on date there is a change to get cheaper flight tickets, below is the strategy to find cheap flights from New York to Nepal. For more detailed how to find cheap flight ticket guide please cick here.

Step 1

Open a new incognito windows on your internet browser and go to

How to find cheap flight ticket USA to Nepal

Step 2

Fill where you are flying from and where you are going to, and click on search button. For example we are flying from New York to Kathmandu, for this time do not put any date.

Flights from New York to Nepal

Step 3

Now select your desired month to fly by clicking the arrow left and right; also, choose the number of trips in days, as shown in the picture below.

select your desired month and select day tips - How to Find Cheap Flights from New York to Nepal

Step 4

Here we can see flying in September is cheaper, specially flying on 7th Sept and 16th Sept are the cheapest days to fly.

cheapest day to fly - How to Find Cheap Flights from New York to Nepal

Step 5

Let’s select 16th September as our departure date and 7th October as return date.

depart and return dates - How to Find Cheap Flights from New York to Nepal

Step 6

From the result below we can see the cheapest flight ticket is $1007 and this route has 3 stops, Best option from the result is the first result which has only 1 stop and costing only $1092

best opton to select only 1 stop - How to Find Cheap Flights from New York to Nepal

Step 7

Lets try second method, on the new incognito window go to Fill “From New York” and “To Nepal” click on “add date” select “Whole month”. You can see from the result that flying in September is the cheapest month if we book today.

skyscanner method - How to Find Cheap Flights from New York to Nepal

Step 8

Lets select cheapest days to depart and return. From the result below we can see flying on 12th September and returning on 27th Sept is the cheapest dates.

cheapest month skyscanner - How to Find Cheap Flights from New York to Nepal

Step 9

Final result using cheapest flight price is $1038 and it has only one transit.

best option to travel skyscanner - How to Find Cheap Flights from New York to Nepal

These are the best techniques to find cheap flight tickets. You need to keep tracking prices via the mobile app. Flight prices fluctuate depending on the specific month, holiday season, and other factors. Read our other posts for a more in depth analysis of how to find cheaper flight tickets.

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