Travel Tips

Essential Tips for Long Flight Journeys: Stay Comfortable & Relaxed

In this article ...

Traveling long journeys by flight or bus can be tiring, boring, uncomfortable, and exhausting. Sitting straight for many hours in an airplane or coach might be a nightmare. But with little preparation, it can be enjoyable as well as comfortable. ...


  • Packing Essentials for long flight journeys: A sleep mask, travel pillow, earphones or headphones, portable power bank, and first aid kit just in case.
  • Hygiene & Comfort: A toothbrush, toothpaste, and hand sanitizer help freshen up and maintain hygiene during the journey.
  • Snacks & Chewing Gum: Carrying snacks and chewing gum helps manage hunger and discomfort during long flights.
  • Entertainment: Kindle, downloaded movies or books, and games to keep you entertained when in-flight entertainment is not available.
  • Dress Comfortably: Wearing loose-fitting, layered clothing and comfortable shoes is ideal for a long journey.
  • Booking Tips: Book seats early, and choose comfortable seating with extra legroom.
  • Stay Hydrated & Healthy: Stay hydrated by drinking enough water, stretching, and practicing mindfulness for health and comfort.
  • Time Adjustment & Avoiding Stimulants: Adjust your watch to destination time and avoid coffee or alcohol that can disrupt sleep patterns.
  • Skincare: Use lip balm, moisturizer, and eye drops to combat dryness caused by the plane’s low humidity.
  • Being Friendly & Productive: Befriend the crew, make new friends, be productive, and move around the plane to stay refreshed.

Traveling long journeys by flight or bus can be tiring, boring, uncomfortable, and exhausting. Sitting straight for many hours in an airplane or coach might be a nightmare. But with little preparation, it can be enjoyable as well as comfortable.

In this article, I am going to share some of my favourite tips for long flight journeys that might help you.

Packing essentials:

Sleep Mask:

Good sleep during a flight is one of the most common problems. If you’re sitting on a window side, the light might distract you from your sleep cycle. Sleep masks help block out the light and clams you go to sleep easily.

Sleep maks for long flight - Essential Tips for Long Flight Journeys: Stay Comfortable & Relaxed

Travel pillow:

It is small and easy to carry around. It is often blended with feather fill, which helps you sleep easily. It helps with proper neck and head support. Also, you need to carry a cheap, lightweight blanket for better sleep.

Earphones or headphones:

Nothing is more irritating than the unnecessary noise near the seat. It is always a good idea to carry earphones to help you sleep. You can listen to music or podcasts, which makes the time in flight less boring. Make sure it is noise-cancelling.

Portable power bank:

During long flights, it is good to have some backup to charge your cell phones and laptops. It’s worth it considering 9 to 11 hours of flight where the battery might die.

travel pillow for comfort long journey - Essential Tips for Long Flight Journeys: Stay Comfortable & Relaxed

First aid kit:

It is always good to pack a first-aid kit on the plane. You might suddenly feel uneasy or feel unwell during the flight. You can carry some essentials, like paracetamol.

Toothpaste and toothbrush

If you’re flying overnight or intend to sleep on the plane, bring a small travel toothbrush and toothpaste. You will feel so much better after using it, and you will feel like a completely different person.


It is difficult to wait for food on planes. Travelling through different time zones means your breakfast might look like dinner. And it’s not the correct time for the staff on a plane to bring you the food. So, it is always better to bring your snacks. Some of the good snacks can be chocolate or protein bars, or some dried fruits or nuts.

Chewing gums:

Chewing gum serves two roles on flights: it freshens your breath if you can’t be bothered to get up and brush your teeth after sleeping on a plane, and it also aids in equalising pressure and preventing annoying pain in your ears.


If you don’t like to carry heavy books, it is good to bring a Kindle. Using this, you have access to almost every book, and it is also lightweight.

Hand sanitizer:

Moving on from sleep and fun essentials, it’s time to consider health and beauty essentials that will ensure you feel fabulous when you arrive at your destination. A good hand sanitizer is the number one long-flight necessity. Planes are the ideal breeding ground for germs, with so many people coughing, sneezing, and even just breathing in a confined space for an extended period of time.

Tips for Long Flight Journeys

More Tips for Long Flight Journeys:

Wear comfortable clothes:

You might sit on a plane for 10 hours. You’re not here to impress anyone. So, wearing a comfortable outfit is necessary. Wearing several layers of loose-fitting clothes is recommended. Try to avoid any kind of jewellery. Wear comfortable shoes to avoid pain in the toe.

Book tickets early.

Booking early means you can choose the most comfortable seat. Instead of rushing to choose a seat late, you get a chance to choose your favourite one if you book early.

Check-in early:

The last thing you need before your long-haul journey is to panic your way through a busy airport or to miss your flight.

Don’t pack too much in your cabin luggage.

Nothing is more frustrating and stressful than lugging a big suitcase around the boarding area. Always try to carry a small handbag or shoulder bag to pack essentials.

travel with older kids - Essential Tips for Long Flight Journeys: Stay Comfortable & Relaxed

Stay healthy and hydrated.

Sitting in one position for a long time might cause back and head pain. So, some stretching and walking around the cabin are necessary. Also, to fight off dehydration, take a sip of water from time to time.

Practice mindfulness and deep breathing.

Mini meditations and deep, long breaths between the flights help to make you more self-aware. It keeps you calm during the flight, which is the most crucial. Keep breathing also goes by the names of diaphragmatic breathing, abdominal breathing, belly breathing, and paced respiration. When you breathe deeply, the air coming in through your nose fully fills your lungs, and the lower belly rises.

Don’t drink coffee before a flight.

As we know, coffee wakes you up. We need proper sleep on the flight. But if you drank the coffee before the flight, you might face some problems sleeping properly.

Adjust your watch.

Adjust your watch or phone time to your destination as soon as you take off. Then spend the flight in that time zone instead of your original time. So, sleep and everything at times make sense for where you’re going.

Don’t drink alcohol.

Drinking alcoholic beverages on airplanes is not a good idea. It might be enjoyable on a short flight, but on a long one, you might face a lot of problems. You might not sleep well as it affects your sleep cycle. It makes you dehydrate even more.

Lip balm and moisturiser

Aeroplanes are known to have low humidity levels, which can cause discomforts such as dry eyes, dry skin, and headaches. The humidity in the cabin is usually less than 20 percent, which is drier than most deserts. The air conditioning system in aeroplanes removes humidity from the conditioned air using water separators in the environmental control system to ensure the air entering the cabin is dry. Humidifying the cabin is avoided for different reasons, including the fact that the dryness is bad for sinuses and can break down mucous barriers, making it easier to catch what bugs might be present.

Bring back-up entertainment

In flight, the entertainment systems are not always reliable. It is always better to download some good movies on your laptop to avoid boredom. Bring your favourite books and download some games to keep you entertained. You can also download some audiobooks in case you don’t want to read.

Entertainment on the go - Essential Tips for Long Flight Journeys: Stay Comfortable & Relaxed

Befriend the crew

It is always good to make your plane crew friends. A little bit of effort to be nice is always appreciated. It is always a good gesture to do something nice for the people who take care of you. You will also increase your chances of receiving special treatment.

Be Productive

You can always be productive and utilise your valuable time. If you have any remaining tasks that need to be done, it is a good time to perform them in flight. Be productive by bringing a notepad, laptop, or sketchbook to work or study without distractions.

Make new friends.

Long flights are an excellent opportunity to chat and make new friends. You are going to sit for 10 to 12 hours with the same person next to you. It is a good time to get to know each other.

Surviving a Long Transit

If you have a long layover, there are several things you can do to make the most of your time and stay comfortable. Take a walk around the airport or explore the city if time permits. Catch up on some reading or use the time to be productive by working or studying without distractions. Remember to stay hydrated, wear comfortable clothing, and bring back-up entertainment and essential toiletries to keep yourself refreshed.

Move around the plane

Stretching your legs is not only necessary for your own sanity on a long-haul flight, but it also helps avoid the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Keep the circulation flowing in your legs by doing gentle exercises at your seat, and get up every two hours.

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