Tourist Attractions

Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Tangier Morocco 

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Tangier, the dynamic city whose traditions combine harmoniously with the energy of contemporary culture, is a popular tourist destination. The city’s Hispanic-Moorish architectural marvels and booming artisanal sector meet with lively festivals and modern creations that present a vivid cultural ...

Tangier, the dynamic city whose traditions combine harmoniously with the energy of contemporary culture, is a popular tourist destination. The city’s Hispanic-Moorish architectural marvels and booming artisanal sector meet with lively festivals and modern creations that present a vivid cultural picture. In this post, we will see the top 10 best places to visit in Tangier Morocco.

Serving as a convergence point for diverse influences, Tangier has many attractions. Its historic Kasbah and the lush Mendoubia Park coexist harmoniously with a beautifully preserved ancient medina. Nearby, the Plaza de Toros and the Cervantes Theatre, as well as the renowned Hafa Café – the favoured haunt of personalities like Sean Connery and the Rolling Stones for a cup of refreshing mint tea – can be found.

Artists haven’t shied away from claiming Tangier as their haven of inspiration. Notable figures such as Delacroix, Matisse, Tennessee Williams, and Paul Bowles have all been captivated by its charm. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, a Jazz festival is conducted annually, as are the Mediterranean Nights, an event that celebrates the music of all three continents.

Perched on the edge of Europe and Africa, Tangier is truly a cosmopolitan city, offering a journey through time!

Best Places to Visit in Tangier

Here are my picks for the best places to visit in Tangier, my opinion is based on Google reviews and personal experience.

1. Hercules Caves

best places to visit in tangier morocco

The Hercules Cave, located merely 14 kilometres from Tangier, beckons travellers with its enchanting geological features and significant mythological heritage. This enthralling cave system, enjoyable by individuals across all age brackets, is an unmissable part of any journey to Tangier. In fact, the trip can be interspersed with detours to local attractions. For instance, the renowned Cape Spartel, merely 5 kilometres away, or the enticing beaches that hug its coastlines.

Reaching the Hercules Cave is straightforward, requiring no special gear. However, keep in mind that the cavern floor may be moist due to exposure to the water beneath. Unless you’re travelling during the hot summer months, bring some warm clothing to combat the dampness within the Cave.

Photography enthusiasts should not forget their camera equipment. The cavern depths provide a unique opportunity to capture extraordinary images. One of the highlights is a natural crevice in the stone that eerily mimics the shape of the African continent. This gap allows glimpses of the deep-sea blues, creating a splendid contrast against the cavern’s inherent darkness – a shot guaranteed to delight any photographer.

2. Cafe Hafa

cafe hafa tangier morocco - Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Tangier Morocco 

This café Hafa is world-famous, and it is a popular tourist attraction for well-known Moroccans and foreigners in the fields of literature, art, and politics. This café first opened its doors in 1920.

It is more of a mythical location situated on a high plateau facing the Strait of Gibraltar staircase, and it is regarded as highly suited. To have a cup of Moroccan tea with varied delicacies before following in the footsteps of the well-known Moroccan author Mohamed Choukri, may God have pity on him, as well as the Beatles and other novelists who were able to make their imprint there.

3. Tangier’s Medina

Tangiers Medina morocco - Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Tangier Morocco 

Tangier’s Medina is a feast for the senses, its vibrant hues of intense blue dominating plinths, doors, and windows. If you are an adventurous spirit, allow your instinct to guide you through the intricate labyrinth of narrow streets that encompass the historic district of this renowned port city.

Immerse yourself in the beauty of colourful staircases, the stunning sight of vibrant bougainvillaea adorning walls, and the captivating craftsmanship displayed in local artisan workshops. All these details, combined with the constant hum of bustling activity, make the medina a living, breathing piece of art. Artists have, for decades, found inspiration in this rich tapestry of life and culture. Take your time, soak in the atmosphere, and perhaps, you too will be touched by the muse that breathes in the whispers of Tangier’s wind.

Every turn reveals another unexpected delight. As you climb towards the pinnacle of the medina, the site of the ancient kasbah, you’ll glimpse remnants of old fortifications, and spontaneous vantage points granting you spectacular vistas of the landscape around. The panoramic view from the highest point is truly breathtaking, a perfect place to capture selfies with a backdrop of the bustling port, the mesmerising deep blue of the ocean, and the outline of Spain’s coastline faint in the distance.

You’ll realise that the trek was well worth the ascent after you’ve negotiated the maze-like alleyways and reached the summit of the medina. The medina of Tangier is more than simply a tourist destination; it leaves a lasting impression on your heart because of the breathtaking sights and distinctive experiences it provides.

4. Tangier’s Kasbah

Tangiers Kasbha morocco - Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Tangier Morocco 

On a vacation to Tangier, everything should be valued appropriately and in accordance with each person’s interests. The souks are the perfect spot for you if you enjoy shopping. Explore the shoreline if you enjoy spending time at the beach. And if cooking is your passion, no dish will go unattended. The Kasbah of Tangier, however, is your destination in the world if you also love feeling the weight of history and hearing the sound of your own footsteps in addition to everything else mentioned. 

You won’t be the first person to enter the kasbah, and there has been no lack of artists and authors who have opted to seek solace in the quiet of Tangier’s medina, but you will undoubtedly experience the same pleasure they all experienced.

One of the must-see sights in the city is the Kasbah of Tangier. There are many things you may omit from your schedule, but you really must see the medina and the kasbah since they will give you a sense of the history of the city and almost the entire nation. You may gradually learn about the Kasbah’s mysteries, its stores and craft studios, and the spicy perfume that emanates from its restaurants by following Rue d’Italie and then Rue de la Kasbah.

5. Kasbha Museum

Kasbah Museum Tangier must visit - Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Tangier Morocco 

In this museum, the building itself draws visitors just as much as the artwork. The Tangier Historical Institute is housed at Dar el-Makhzen, a former sultan’s palace on the outskirts of the medina. It has a typical courtyard garden and displays Tangier’s history, from prehistory to the major Islamic dynasties that shaped Morocco. The magnificent floor mosaics from the Roman city of Volubilis were the greatest part.

The mosaic of Venus from Volubilis, the statues, and the enormous replica maps are some of the attractions. The second is a stunning map of the known globe created in Tangier in 1154 (hint: it’s upside down from the viewer’s perspective). The first map shows trade channels from the Phoenician commerce in metals to the technological commodities of the twenty-first century. The museum is located inside the medina; to get there, walk around the outside to the westernmost point and highest point of the city. Then, enter via the Bab Kasbah gate and go down the road to the museum.

6. Tangier’s Souk & Petit Socco

Morocco Tangier Petit Socco must visit - Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Tangier Morocco 

confined space in the Tangier Medina You may get from the Grand Socco to the Petit Socco, sometimes referred to as the Socco Chico, in Tangier’s Medina by taking Rue Semmanne. It’s a terrific spot to hang out and watch the people in this magical city, where writers and artists like William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, and Camille Saint-Sans all found inspiration. Hotels and cafés surround the Petit Socco, so I’d advise having a mint tea to enjoy on one of the outside patios. It’s wonderful to see the elderly men converse and enjoy their teas while playing backgammon. Any of the cafés are good, but the Central Cafe is my top pick.

7. Lighthouse Cap Malabata

Lighthouse Cap Malabata tangier morocco - Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Tangier Morocco 

At the peak of Cape Malabata, a sparkling jewel known as the Cape Malabata Lighthouse commands attention. It is a rare historical lighthouse with a unique architectural style that includes enormous white stones, roomy windows, and a lofty top that is reached through internal stairs and offers the most breathtaking views of the city and the Strait of Gibraltar!

The lighthouse and castle at Cape Malabata, which is 10 kilometres to the east of Tangier and a popular tourist destination throughout the year due to its exceptional location and early 20th-century construction despite its medieval-style architecture, are two additional attractions.

The most exclusive, fashionable, and ‘powerful’ area of Tangier, where the city’s most prominent visitors reside, is named after the cape. Away from the bustle of Tangier’s city centre, the region overlooks the sea and is a refuge of peace and quiet where you can hear the sound of the water and where the sun shines so you can appreciate this particular spot.

8. Tombeaux Phéniciens

Tombeaux Pheniciens tangier morocco - Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Tangier Morocco 

Tangier was formerly a city that ancient civilizations courted heavily due to its geostrategic location overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean. There, Phoenicians and Carthaginians made their homes and left their mark. We cordially welcome you to explore Tangier’s imposing Phoenician and Carthaginian tombs while you’re here.

Tangier’s Phoenician and Carthaginian periods

The Phoenicians arrived in Morocco in the eighth century BC and established at Tangier. The earliest Phoenician relics in Tangier date around from -1450, if we place the start of their travel via the Strait of Gibraltar at around 1520 BC. On Morocco’s western coast, they started setting up their first trade stations during this period. The initial group of explorers were followed by a second migration. These families were Phoenicians, and they brought their own social and religious structures.

It was the turn of the Carthaginians to exploit the nation in the sixth century BC, about 530 BC, by settling around the ports spaced every 40 km from the Gulf of Gabès to Tangier. Between the rule of Darius I and the start of the First Punic War, during the height of Carthage’s splendour, Admiral Hanon established colonies. So the Carthaginians took the position of the Phoenicians, and between 475 and 450 they erected the little Carthaginian counter known as Tingis (Tangier).

The latter acted as a conduit to the Guadalquivir valley for the interchange of luxury goods such as jewellery, pottery, expensive textiles, perfumes, and beads as well as commerce in gold, silver, copper, iron, lead, and tin.

9. Grand Mosque of Tangier

grand mosque of tangier morocco - Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Tangier Morocco 

The primary mosque in Tangier, Morocco, is the Grand Mosque, a historically significant mosque. On top of the remains of earlier ancient temples, it was first constructed in the 18th century AD during the rule of the Alaouite Sultan Ismail Ibn Sharif (Moulay Ismail). Later, in the early 19th century (1817–1818), the mosque was extended.

10. Tangier Beach

Tangier Beach must visit in morocco - Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Tangier Morocco 

One of the greatest things to do in Tangier is to visit Municipal Beach, which gives you the chance to take in the beauty of nature and escape the speed of everyday life in order to concentrate on the beach’s entrancingly pure sea waters.

This sandy beach is unquestionably a great place to spend a special day with your friends and loved ones because it is one of the most alluring vacation spots and attracts a large number of tourists because it offers a variety of enjoyable activities. This Al Boran Sea beach is also one of the best beaches in Tangier.

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Other Places to Visit in Tangier, Morocco

Port of Tangier cityNew Marina Bay of Tangier CityHotel Continental
Museum of Continental HotelNew Marina Bay of Tangier cityOld Spanish residential area
Jewish cemeteryLocal market “Foundouk”James bond stairs
French sectionFrench ConsulateFamous French Cafe de Paris
Big boulevard of Tangier “Louis Pasteur”Wall of the lazy peopleEnglish section
Saint Andrews ChurchMendoubia gardenGrand socco
Local vegetables and fruits marketPrincess Lala AblaTanger Boulevard
El Minzah HôtelLe Bistrot du Petit SoccoCementerio Judio de Tanger
Corniche de TangerFendak Dar D’bagh (Coop Nature)Gran Teatro Cervantes
Grand SoccoSt. Andrew’s ChurchHotel Continental
Best Places to Visit in Tangier Morocco

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